
Showing posts from February, 2014

Single for Valentine's Day?!

Being single on Valentine’s Day has usually resulted in a lamentation of my singleness, in which I chain listen to the Smiths, the Supremes, and a choice selection of hits from the 50s/60s/70s, which all fit together better than it seems. Truthfully, I am listening to the Smiths as I write this paragraph because I am still single and I spectacularly failed to score concert tickets.   [Seriously, a 60-minute wait just to tell me that they are unavailable due to HIGH demand and that a fan ‘might’ give them up, which is absurd logic.   What fan (or ticket gouger) gives up a ticket to see the Boss?]   Anyway, it is possible to elude that feeling though, in my experience, it remains a complex process.   The difficulty lies in V-Day’s emphasis squarely on romantic relationships, which already enjoy a ‘rite of passage’ space in Western culture.    To better illustrate this point, I invite you to t ake a moment to think of all the work in which romance appears even if only perip