
Showing posts from May, 2018


A month ago I started The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.  The book is a 12 week exercise to recover your creativity through daily and weekly activities.  One daily exercise, affectionately called morning pages, consists of filling three pages with stream of consciousness writing.  The objective is not revisit this work and write with your built-in editor turned down to a barely audible hum. There are other tasks built into each week partnered with a handful of reflective activities to close the week. Naturally, I started Week 1 with gusto then slowly fell behind with the natural ebb/ flow of  life and work (also due to a pretty great Lou Reed biography by Anthony DeCurtis).  Though the small amount of writing I did do, opened up many blocks I had about my own art making.   The most predominant among those blocks boiled down to expectation.  An expectation that any art (writing, drawing, music, ect.) produced had to conform to something beyond what I could actually do, whic