

A month ago I started The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.  The book is a 12 week exercise to recover your creativity through daily and weekly activities.  One daily exercise, affectionately called morning pages, consists of filling three pages with stream of consciousness writing.  The objective is not revisit this work and write with your built-in editor turned down to a barely audible hum. There are other tasks built into each week partnered with a handful of reflective activities to close the week. Naturally, I started Week 1 with gusto then slowly fell behind with the natural ebb/ flow of  life and work (also due to a pretty great Lou Reed biography by Anthony DeCurtis).  Though the small amount of writing I did do, opened up many blocks I had about my own art making.   The most predominant among those blocks boiled down to expectation.  An expectation that any art (writing, drawing, music, ect.) produced had to conform to something beyond what I could actually do, whic



Work in Progress

When you start an art project and realize that filling an 18 " by 24" drawing pad with so much detail will wreck you:  

New Art.




Post Coming Soon.

I have been a fantastically infrequent blogger with pages of half written posts peeking out of piles unread magazines.  This trend may continue as I develop a balance between work, creative endeavors, and Netflix (which has lately been a powerful sleep aid).   As a twenty-something and chronic over-thinker, who currently lives at home the question,"What the heck am I doing with my life?" is a constant fixture in my head.  Truthfully, that question has been nagging me for most of my life and I want to write about it on this blog because that existentialism has become more of a teacher than an irritant (of course, it easily reverts back being purely irritating).   I'm interested in looking at how that shift happened for me and I hope you'll join me in the ride (undoubtedly with some interruptions along the way).   In addition to being a twenty-something and a chronic over-thinker, I am also a perfectionist which translates to: "I take a long time to write a

For Grandma

The above quote attributed to my Grandma is an approximation because I couldn't make a Cookie Monster cartoon with her real sayings.  Those quotes would bump up this blog's PG13 rating to a solid R (boarding on NC-17 in certain cases).  My Grandmother was a truly unique person with a knack for entertaining guests with warm hospitality and a few off the wall jokes.  Only my Grandmother's mourners would laugh with tears in their eyes and that is exactly how she would have wanted it.