Post Coming Soon.

I have been a fantastically infrequent blogger with pages of half written posts peeking out of piles unread magazines.  This trend may continue as I develop a balance between work, creative endeavors, and Netflix (which has lately been a powerful sleep aid).   As a twenty-something and chronic over-thinker, who currently lives at home the question,"What the heck am I doing with my life?" is a constant fixture in my head.  Truthfully, that question has been nagging me for most of my life and I want to write about it on this blog because that existentialism has become more of a teacher than an irritant (of course, it easily reverts back being purely irritating).   I'm interested in looking at how that shift happened for me and I hope you'll join me in the ride (undoubtedly with some interruptions along the way).  

In addition to being a twenty-something and a chronic over-thinker, I am also a perfectionist which translates to: "I take a long time to write a post that I'm content to have out there."  While I work on the post, here is a Cookie Monster drawing to tide you over (provided my infrequent writing hasn't scared you off).           


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