
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Difficult Job Search

The hunt for employment has been a strange kind of learning experience.   On many occasions the search frustrates me to the levels suggested in the above cartoon.   Thankfully, the daily visits to job search aggregates have small moments of comedy: the payroll job that listed ‘sense of humor’ as a required skill and the accounting position labeled as “One Man Wolf Pack Seeking Other Wolves.”   Though this process has also caused me to recognize how important it is to clarify values.   While value is a vacuous term, I limited the word to qualify:  Activities from previous employment/life that gave me a genuine feeling of achievement and purpose Aspects of my personality that best express who I see myself to be  Larger social considerations These are difficult topics that expand and shift over a lifetime but it is the first time that I have consciously made the effort to analyze them.                          Of course, I initially did not view the job hunt as a tool fo

Posts Coming Soon….

               Despite my near two month hiatus, I promise that more posts are in the works as suggested by the cartoon.  Now,  could I have been writing a new post instead of drawing this comic?  Yes (and fair point) though a picture is worth a thousand words and, more importantly, I just love to draw.  For some reason I love drawing Cookie Monster [whose image belongs to Sesame Street and its creator Jim Henson] and imaging how he would handle every day situations.  Hopefully this post made you smile and I will now get back to generating some worthwhile content. Additionally, in this drawing I repurposed a photograph and another piece of art, which I have cited (as best as possible) below.  Every one deserves proper credit.   Image Credits Cookie Monster Pose: "Sesame Office." Jpeg. Muppet Wiki . 5 Dec. 2005. 17 Jan. 2014. <>. Post-Operative Ring  Mug: "Post-Operative Ring  Mug." Met Opera Shop.  No date.