Posts Coming Soon….

               Despite my near two month hiatus, I promise that more posts are in the works as suggested by the cartoon.  Now,  could I have been writing a new post instead of drawing this comic?  Yes (and fair point) though a picture is worth a thousand words and, more importantly, I just love to draw.  For some reason I love drawing Cookie Monster [whose image belongs to Sesame Street and its creator Jim Henson] and imaging how he would handle every day situations.  Hopefully this post made you smile and I will now get back to generating some worthwhile content.

Additionally, in this drawing I repurposed a photograph and another piece of art, which I have cited (as best as possible) below.  Every one deserves proper credit.  

Image Credits
Cookie Monster Pose: "Sesame Office." Jpeg. Muppet Wiki. 5 Dec. 2005. 17 Jan. 2014. <>.

Post-Operative Ring Mug: "Post-Operative Ring Mug." Met Opera Shop. No date. 18 Jan. 2014. <>.


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