Swimming lessons in rejection

Nothing breeds a cesspool of rejection quite like the hunt for gainful employment yet wading in it's foul waters has been constructive.  Naturally, there are many moments when rejection's side effects overwhelm me because, like most humans, I can only handle a finite amount of the queasy fluctuations of self-worth and bouts with failure.  Though such side effects have made me more prone to self-awareness that success does not always provide.  Additionally, most of the albums I've had on heavy rotation have at least one track that deals with some form of rejection (clearly this is the stuff that great art comes from).     

Here are the useful aspects of employment rejection: 
  • Separate the impractical from the uncompromising 
  • Prioritize values
  • Mistakes feed future success
  • Success is a flexible concept
As I have already written on other blog posts, I consider these lessons as ideals to strive towards. The ability to put beliefs into practice takes work and when that work gets difficult these TED talks help:           

Amy Cuddy: "Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are" 

Janine Shepard: "You Are Not Your Body"


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